Webinar: Getting the Simulation Right with Proper Material Data: The Material Digital Twin Approach

  • Date:3 月 26, 2025
  • Location: Online

10:00 AM CET / 2:30 PM IST | Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | Check Your Time

Registration Deadline: ONE DAY BEFORE THE WEBINAR.
The join link will not be provided to the registration on the webinar day.


Accurate injection molding simulation results heavily rely on material properties data. In this webinar, our expert will delve into the fundamentals of material properties and parameters, exploring the latest techniques in material testing, as well as the comprehensive range of testing equipment, services, and resources provided by the Moldex3D Material Research Center.

In addition, a pioneering material digital twin can be directly applied in the measurement process. For instance, shear viscosity is the most critical property during the injection molding filling process. The capillary rheometer, widely used for measuring the shear viscosity of polymeric fluids, serves as an example. For example, when measuring viscosity, we set the measurement temperature, assuming the entire system is in a steady-state thermal condition. However, aside from imperfections in the instrument’s heating design causing uneven cavity temperatures, shear heating during flow can raise the temperature near the shear layer at the tube wall above the set temperature. The correction of the temperature (shear heating correction) rises using the material digital twin approach is one of the key techniques that will be introduced in this webinar.


What You Will Learn

  • Overview of Moldex3D Material Testing Center
  • Insights into material properties and material parameters
  • Updates in material characterization techniques and laboratory equipment
  • The material digital twin approach to enhance data quality


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